Easy Mode!

Apparently the game was a bit too hard for some.

Fear not though. Easy Mode has been added with the most recent update!

Don't feel like hitting those knights a dozen times till they go down? Well, now you only need to hit them half a dozen of times! (LOL)

What does the Easy Mode change?

Two major things.

First, it boosts up your offensive stats by 300%! As well as cutting down the damage your girls suffer by 30%! And some small bonuses towards evasion and spirit regeneration. These bonuses are only added during battle, so your basic stats in the main menu should look the same as in the vanilla game. And since the offense bonus are percentage based, the higher your base stat is, the more potent the bonus become.

Second, Historian's Scrolls are no longer consumed when used. Should be pretty handy. Now you no longer have to fear of running out of save attempts in a dungeon!

What are the drawbacks?

Nothing, really. It's really just for the players who want to enjoy a slightly less... rage inducing gameplay XD

Though I must state that this being a new feature, I'm sorry for any bugs that escaped my testing. Feedback is always welcomed.

If you're put down by the game's difficulty level earlier, then please give the new difficulty mode a try. 

Have a good day!


Update 2.00 463 kB
Feb 27, 2020

Get Touhou - Grimoire of The Elemental Castle

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